2 - 3 years

Between 2-3 years old children explore big feelings and emotions, as they explore their deep need for independence and discover the rules in the world around them. Naming and identifying emotions is a new skill at this age, which will serve children well throughout their life. Suggested resources:

  • Books about emotions and regulation
  • Art supplies to explore independently
  • Blocks to problem-solve and construct
  • Large Loose Parts for creative thinking
2 - 3 years

Showing 1–60 of 1021 results

Showing 1–60 of 1021 results

Between 2-3 years old children explore big feelings and emotions, as they explore their deep need for independence and discover the rules in the world around them. Naming and identifying emotions is a new skill at this age, which will serve children well throughout their life. Suggested resources:

  • Books about emotions and regulation
  • Art supplies to explore independently
  • Blocks to problem-solve and construct
  • Large Loose Parts for creative thinking

Further suggested resources: Developmentally Appropriate Gift Guide for 2 year olds – Growing Kind