Bring the classic tale to life with our enchanting 3 Little Pigs Small World Set! This delightful set includes three houses, three pigs, one wolf, and three building materials, all crafted from thick FSC-certified pine timber. Perfectly sized for little hands, these pieces are ideal for creative play, sensory exploration, and educational opportunities.
Encourage your child’s imagination as they recreate the beloved story of the 3 Little Pigs. Build the houses with blocks, act out the story, and make character voices to bring the narrative to life. This set is perfect for small-world pretend play, helping children develop storytelling skills and cognitive abilities.
Each piece is made from 19mm thick pine timber. The largest house measures 12.5cm tall and 15.5cm wide, while the smallest piece is 5cm long and 3.5cm tall. Each set is unique, with slight variations in timber grain, ensuring a one-of-a-kind experience.
Introduce your child to the timeless story of the 3 Little Pigs and let their creativity soar with this beautifully crafted set!
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