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Baby Eye development

Baby Eye Development: Why Black and White?

Have you ever noticed that your newborn is drawn to specific toys or items around your home and then other things just seem completely invisible to them? I welcome Bianca from My Little Booky Wooky to explain the reasons behind this…   Have you ever noticed that your newborn is drawn to specific toys or […]

fine motor skills

Fine Motor Skills

FINE MOTOR SKILLS; I’m sure you’ve had them mentioned to you once, twice or a thousand times! We know they are important, but why? I’m so thrilled to have Kirsty Gibbs from @learningblocksaustralia joining us today to explain… Kirsty began her career as a teacher in 2006.  Since then she has worked in all areas […]

mistakes by parents

5 mistakes parents accidentally make when doing art with their kids

The definition of art is very dynamic, however the Oxford Dictionary describes it as “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” I’d like to add that art is a powerful […]